Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Men Were Not Always At The Head Of The Table Essay

Molly Clark Mrs. Snider AP English 12 11 October 2016 Men Were not Always at the Head of the Table Jane Austen, in her book Pride and Prejudice, ignores that fact that, at the time, women were inferior to the men and makes many of the female character dominate to the male characters which causes her novel to become of like a feminist novel. Some of the female characters include Elizabeth, Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine, Lydia, Jane, Miss Darcy, Caroline, and Miss Bingley just to name a few. The male characters on the other hand include Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley. Mr. Bennet, Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Collins. Although there are a couple other male characters, for example relatives of the Bennets, they show up in the novel for a short period of time and are rarely mentioned afterword. Just by the list of the characters alone the reader can already see the dominance of the female characters. But what makes Pride and Prejudice a feminist novel is not the overwhelming amount female characters, but how these characters use what limited power they had at the time to overrule the men in the novel. The main character in this novel is a female - Elizabeth Bennet. She is described and shown as independent, caring, and someone who does not care about living up to society s expectations. Elizabeth is also described as very beautiful and she is Mrs. Bennet’s favorite daughter because of her beauty. In the novel, Elizabeth received three marriageShow MoreRelatedNaturalistic Observation874 Words   |  4 Pages Neither of them were talking on the cell phone and the one in the front (woman A) turned around to face the other one (woman B). Women A were arm crossed in a relax manner, woman B held her keys with her right hand and her wallet on the other hand. I guess woman A were talking about something really funny because they were both laughing after she said something. 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